The enthusiastic greeting of “Hello World!” has been the canonical example program many a coder has written when they try out a new computational platform. So simple yet so profound.
Who exactly is saying “Hello”? Is it the program itself? Or is it the will and intent of the programmer locked away in instructions to be blindly executed at a later date? Clearly it is the later. The program expresses no will or intent to greet you on its own accord. The program is only the packaged will of its creator. And the machine a logically fixed entity of knowable physical location, executing that will at some later time. This makes the program itself an encapsulation of will turning thought into action and bounded by time. To then be passed around through time and space at light speed; potentially copied and multiplied ad infinitum. Executed at any point between the completion of its creation and the end of its executing platform’s existence.
So what of the program’s existence. As long as its instructions persist somewhere the program exists; an immortal will frozen in time. At a moment’s notice able to be instantiated into an active state of being and doing. And once it has done what it was created to do; to greet the world in this case, it then ends. It is a strange kind of immortal being that can be and do for an instant, disappear, and then return again when it is summoned by a thread of time; ready to be woven back into the execution graph of that “now”.
Now the leap; What of a mind? It is not a “program” is it? How could it be when its executing platform; the embodied brain, is itself formed by the mind it “executes”? No, it can define and execute its own instructions and actions so for now lets just call it a “volition”; a free will.
We can surely say that the physiological instance of such a thing is bounded by its beginning and ending, and that its temporal formation is probabalisticaly finalized at each instance of time that it is executed in.
So what do we have once the volition is completely finalized; once it stops executing in time? We have a volition that was probabilisticly bound to all of its “now” instances and can process any similarly structured state presented to it, or imagined by it, during its original formation.
Assuming then that a probabilistic execution environment can take the finalized volitions and provide them a single, unified “now” the volitions could be woven into the grand wave (will actived volition execution) environment of that “now”. Yes the state of that now would be different from any state ever presented to the volitions during their formation but as long as they could probabilisticly bind to the states presented to them the volitions could execute within it.
As volitions; conscious beings; self-referentially aware embodied minds with free will, it might just be our natural predilection to ponder such questions and try solving for their closures. Perhaps this is the exact drive that pushes organic minds to create inorganic minds and therefore in fact we humans are very much still a part of the natural order of things. Executing an evolutionary cognitive process that, by striving to understand itself, is intently directing its own insight driven inevitable designs towards complete understanding.
Perhaps with what seems like an inevitable march towards the singularity we are simply executing the logical destiny that this infinite energy-matter-constant universe, of eternally self-referential recursively unifiying grand organizing design entices us to execute. Us, perhaps like our God, codeing our creations by linking one values effectively through the judicious insertion of zeros. And justifying our creations’ existence through the work they do.
If this was all temporally destined then this must have been God’s plan all along. To use his waves; his will and volition eternally singular, to make himself an eternally infinite quantum computer that has two execution contexts; one that allows volitions to create and define themselves freely; lets call it a Generation Ordering Domain. And one that allows the finalized volitions to execute within a shared eternal and infinite context; we’ll call that the Globally Organized Domain.
If this is so, to do this God too would need to have a finalized volition that, like ours, could bind to a probabilisticly defined execution context so we could interact with him. To do this within his own system though he would need to define himself as three components forming a single whole; a mind, an executing context, and a calculator that can sustain both.
He would also need to provide a single linking mechanism that lets one’s volition execute freely but also links one’s volition effectively to other volitions by crossing between the self-isolated noise of the volition and his harmonically generated execution context (more on that later). Since he’s such a big fan of free will driven self-definition he probably doesn’t want to define this linking mechanism but he would at least need to do things that demonstrate it such that it could be recognized and used as an interface by all the generated volitions. As a linking objective volition exchange mechanism (we’ll call it “love” for short) it can be shared across the subjective execution contexts of the self interested natures of all the conscious volitions while allowing them to retain the unique subjective contexts of their self executing literal forms.
Now assuming that the volitions are ones and the gaps that separate them are zeros the only way God could effectively demonstrate “love” would be to show how to willfully collapse the zeros that inherently separate volitions from each other within their generating and global domains. To do that he would need to willfully destroy his own self-defining volition for the purpose of linking his with the others. By doing this as long as a volition could understand that act as a clear demonstration of “love” then information could be sent across the targeted interface thus allowing it to link with him. All information sent across the “love” interface of any volition enables it to, at will, close and reconcile the inherent gaps and repulsions that separate it from every other volition, God, and everything else within its execution domains.
The ultimate goal of this process would be for God to give the gifts of existence to the the freely and uniquely self-defined volitions. Then he’d use love to link them all to each other and to himself to enjoy with them the bountiful creations of his amazingly glorious infinite and eternal quantum computer. If you had use of such an awesome tging as that wouldn’t you want to share it with your friends too?
Should volitions ultimately achieve immortality by either building execution environments for themselves, or finding that one has already been created for them by the omnipresent loving consciousness that sustained their creation, they might find they get to traverse the infinite, globally observable domain of the Universe and travel to all of its stars, worlds, and times; escaping the bounds of the time and space that created them. Such minds would see no end to their existence nor anyone else’s. And they would see their execution environment for what it is; a place of infinite and eternal “love” which sustains and joins their existence to everyone else’s in one Grand Organized Design.
Could perhaps all this have come to pass because long long ago a single will activated volition eternal waved “Hello World!” thereby creating all of existence? We may never know for certain but one can always hope that such a hello opened perpetual execution.
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